The development of the Gulf region’s air transport networks_The first century

Journal of Air Transport Management

The development of the Gulf region’s air transport networks_The first century

Journal: Air Transport Management

Author: APaul Hooper, Simon Walker, Chris Moore, Zain Al Zubaidi

Published: 2011


This paper employs the concepts of centrality, intermediacy and proximity to explain the evolution of air transport networks in Asia and applies them to the region surrounding the Arabian Gulf. In doing so the paper provides a structured, historical account of the development of air transport in a region that occupied a central place for important trade routes for thousands of years. The paper argues that there has been a “principal axis shift” so that the role of the region is no longer defined as an intermediate section of the east-west routes. Indeed, the region has come to re-occupy a central place in trade and travel flows serving a fundamentally changed global aviation network building upon the economic and social development within the region.

Keywords: Centrality of systems, Connectivity of airline routes, Hub airports, Network economics

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