Seasonality and price behaviour of airlines in the Alicante-London market

Journal of Air Transport Management

Seasonality and price behaviour of airlines in the Alicante-London market

Journal: Air Transport Management

Author: Fernando J. Garrigos-Simon, Yeamduan Narangajavana b, Ignacio Gil-Pechuan

Published: 2010


This article focuses on airline prices in the Alicante-London market. It analyzes price evolution over short periods to observe the incidence of seasonality, the types of firms involved, timetabling, types of airport, competitiveness, and variables such as the price of jet fuel and the rate of exchange used by airlines to establish prices. The paper shows the relative incidence of these variables and stresses the relevance of seasonality and competitiveness in the price strategies followed by the different types of company.

Keywords: Airline markets, Seasonality, Airline competitiveness

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