Strategies and pitfalls in the infrastructure development of airports: A comparison of Milan Malpensa and Berlin Brandenburg International airports

Journal of Air Transport Management

Strategies and pitfalls in the infrastructure development of airports: A comparison
of Milan Malpensa and Berlin Brandenburg International airports

Journal: Air Transport Management

Author: Paolo Beria, Aaron B. Scholz

Published: 2010


The paper analyses two airport investment projects in Europe: the completed investment at Milan Malpensa Airport and the investment at Berlin Brandenburg International. The two facilities were chosen because of similarities in their market environments. The paper examines the history of the projects, their objectives, demand forecasts, assessment methodologies and the strategies of the main carriers that use them. A comparison between expectations and outcomes for Malpensa a decade after its opening allows examination of the validity of the parameters used in the decision-making. The criteria being used to assess the investment in Berlin Brandenburg International are explored.

Keywords: Airports, Infrastructure investment, Policy assessment

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