Assessing how service quality, airline image and customer value affect the intentions of passengers regarding low cost carriers

Journal of Air Transport Management

Assessing how service quality, airline image and customer value affect the intentions of passengers regarding low cost carriers

Journal: Air Transport Management

Author: Keng-Chieh Yang, Tsui-Chuan Hsieh, Hendrik Li, Chyan Yang

Published: 2012


This paper uses simple structural equation modelling to investigate relationships between service quality, airline image, customer value and behavioural intentions for passengers to fly on low cost carriers. In particular it focuses on flier’s expectations of the types of services that they can enjoy. The analysis indicates that service quality has a significant positive effect on customer value, airline image and behavioural intentions, but that airline image does not itself significantly influence behavioural intentions.

Keywords: Low cost airlines, Airline service quality, Airline image

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