The normalisation of aircraft overrun accident data

Journal of Air Transport Management

The normalisation of aircraft overrun accident data

Journal: Air Transport Management

Author: I. Kirkland, R.E. Caves, M. Hirst, D.E. Pitfield

Published: 2003


This paper is concerned with normalising runway overrun aircraft accident data so as to allow all accident data to be properly relevant to any overrun accident investigation. This task is part of a wider research task that addresses the need for models to assess the risk of aircraft operations at any particular airport based on risk management principles and to use all available data on previous accidents. The case of runway overruns is taken because new regulations require consideration of the provision of much longer Runway End Safety Areas than had been previously the norm. The reported research collects accident data and then describes its normalisation based on corrections made due to the effects of terrain, aircraft performance and required distances on the accident locations.


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