Evaluation of level of service for transfer passengers at airports

Journal of Air Transport Management

Evaluation of level of service for transfer passengers at airports

Journal: Air Transport Management

Author: Alexandre G. de Barros, A.K. Somasundaraswaran, S.C. Wirasinghe

Published: 2007


Transfer passengers have quite different needs than those of originating and terminating passengers. For example, they do not make use of airport access roads. Other facilities may or may not be used depending on the type of transfers, the airport’s operational configuration and the airline services. Despite the increasing importance of transfer passengers for airport operations, little research has been done to determine their needs. This study analyses transfer passengers’ views on the quality of services at the terminal building, using data collected at Bandaranaike International Airport in Sri Lanka, which aspires along with the airline ‘Sri Lankan’ to be a major hub for South Asia. Regression analysis was used to identify the transfer passenger facilities and services with the strongest effect on the overall perception of level of service. The application of regression analysis to the data collected at Bandaranaike International Airport shows that the courtesy of the security check staff and the quality of the Flight Information Display are among the most valued by transfer passengers at that airport.

Keywords: Transfer passengers; Airports; Level of service; Linear regression

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