Ethical and moral considerations of airline management

Journal of Air Transport Management

Ethical and moral considerations of airline management

Journal: Air Transport Management

Author: Ruwantissa Abeyratne

Published: 2001


Air transport is a relatively new industry. It has expanded rapidly and now is an exceptionally safe way to travel. But all may not be well. Despite all this achievement, the human face of commercial aviation has been somewhat tarnished by the very prolific growth of carriage by air, and the monotonous regularity with which it is executed. Aviation business management needs to go back to basics, where the formula ‘‘everyone needs to know and feel that he is needed; and everyone wants to be treated as an individual’’ has to be revisited in the face of modern exigencies experienced by the passenger. The issue is likely to gain in importance in the future as economic, political and social trends affect the types of people who wish to use air transport. Airline managers have to be aware of the need to identify passengers in need and offer tangible support and assistance. This article addresses issues relating to the human face of aviation management and looks at some of the proposals to improve current practices.

Keywords: management; Passenger rights; Ethical management; Facilitation; Passenger clearance

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