Australian airport regulation: Exploring the frontier

Journal of Air Transport Management

Australian airport regulation: Exploring the frontier

Journal: Air Transport Management

Author: Stephen C. Littlechild

Published: 2012


In 2002 Australia removed its price freeze on major airports and instituted light-handed regulation including price monitoring. Internationally, this policy is at the frontier. In general it has worked well but there are concerns that it is ineffective in protecting against windfall gains for airports, that investment incentives are a weak link, that Sydney Airport has deferred investment and let service quality fall, and that airlines are still vulnerable to airport market power. These concerns do not justify re-imposition of price control but they require a method for addressing them. Airlines have proposed independent dispute resolution. Experience elsewhere suggests that concerns about this approach are unjustified, and that it would take light-handed regulation forward.

Keywords: Airport regulation, Light-handed regulation, Monitoring, Dispute resolution

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