The in-flight shopper

The in-flight shopper

Journal: Air Transport Management

Author: Wen-Hsien Huang, Liang Kuai

Published: 2006


This paper examined how in-flight shoppers differ from non-shoppers in terms of socioeconomic, motivational, and attitudinal characteristics. A telephone survey revealed that in-flight shoppers do not differ from non-shoppers in education and gender. In-flight shoppers, however, are older and earn more money than the average airline passenger. Additionally, in-flight shoppers are more impulsive, more brand conscious, more price conscious, and less risk perceptive than non-shoppers. They are no different from nonshoppers when it comes to convenience and variety-seeking. The in-flight shopper also has a positive attitude towards advertising.

Keywords: In-flight retailing; Brand consciousness; Price consciousness; Advertising

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