The impact of causal attributions on customer satisfaction and switching intention: Empirical evidence from the airline industry

Journal of Air Transport Management

The impact of causal attributions on customer satisfaction and switching intention: Empirical evidence from the airline industry

Journal: Air Transport Management

Author: Davoud Nikbin, Ishak Ismail, Malliga Marimuthu

Published: 2012


This study explores the relationship between air service failure attributions and customer satisfaction. Data from a survey of airline passengers who experienced a failure and subsequently a recovery is used and with that stability, the frequency of failures, and controllability, whether the airline is responsible for the situation, have a negative relationship with customer satisfaction. The results also indicate customer satisfaction is negatively related to switching intention. Additionally, the results confirmed the moderating role of failure severity.

Keywords: Air service failure, Air service recovery, Service failure attributions, Switching intentions

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