A business analysis of XL Airways: What lessons can be learned from the failure?

A business analysis of XL Airways: What lessons can be learned from the failure?

Journal: Air Transport Management

Author: John Parton a, Tim Ryley

Published: 2012


This paper investigates the non-financial features of an insolvent UK charter airline operator, XL Airways. The airline case study is analysed using a strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats (SWOT) framework covering two contrasting time periods of business performance; a prosperous period in the company’s history and a period just prior to insolvency. The assessment is based on semi-structured interviews with former management personnel at XL Airways. Some fundamental internal differences at the airline between the two time periods are demonstrated, including organisational inefficiencies and a lack of business focus, suggesting their external threats, although important, may have not been solely to blame for the failure.

Keywords: Charter airlines, Airline business strategies, Airline insolvency

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