En-route sector capacityestimation methodologies: An international survey

En-route sector capacity estimation methodologies: An international survey

Journal: Air Transport Management

Author: Arnab Majumdar, Washington Yotto Ochieng, James Bentham, Martyn Richards

Published: 2005


Reliable estimation of en-route sector capacityis important, especiallyin high-density traffic areas where controller workload is the driver. En-route sector capacityis commonly estimated using fast-time computer simulation techniques employing models of controller workload. This paper analyses the methodologies employed by a number of countries in Europe and North America, to estimate the capacityof en-route airspace. The data used was obtained from airspace planners and managers. The surveyinvolved interviews using pre-designed questionnaires. The results show that there are two main models used in the simulation of controller workload, and that there is considerable variation both in their application and controller involvement in the capacityestimation process.

Keywords: Airspace; Capacity; Workload; Simulation

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