Reforming air traffic control: an assessment from the American perspective

Journal of Air Transport Management

Reforming air traffic control: an assessment from the American perspective

Journal: Air Transport Management

Author: Richard Golaszewski

Published: 2002


This paper examines institutional and economic reform of the ways in which air traffic control (ATC) services are provided in the US. It also contrasts the European and US ATC systems in terms of size, scope, cost and organizational form. The paper suggests that many of the congestion and delay problems experienced in the US result from the inefficient provision and use of air traffic capacity in the airport area, and these conditions are likely to continue or worsen if economic principles are not used to organize and provide ATC services. The paper notes that, while Europe has advanced more rapidly in the organizational and economic reform of providing ATC services, other problems remain. Because most large European airports have slot controls to limit demand in the airport area, its ATC congestion is more pronounced in the en route environment.

Keywords: Air traffic control; Congestion; Delay; Corporatization

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