Strategies for a global logistics and economic hub: Incheon International Airport

Journal of Air Transport Management

Strategies for a global logistics and economic hub: Incheon
International Airport

Journal: Air Transport Management

Author: Hunsoo Lee , Han Mo Yang

Published: 2003


This paper looks at strategies that may enable the incremental development of a ‘Winged City’ around Incheon International Airport (IIA), Korea. This would involve the creation of a super hub for transportation, logistics, and international business. It identifies the potentiality of IIA as a logistics hub in Northeast Asia and develops options to improve its competitiveness. The airport is believed to have strong potential to grow into a key logistics hub in Northeast Asia. Success, however, depends on whether the airport is capable of rapidly attracting a critical mass of global logistics service providers.

Keywords: Logistics hub; Economic hub; Incheon International Airport

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