Nationality and low-cost trip duration. A microeconometric analysis

Journal of Air Transport Management

Nationality and low-cost trip duration. A microeconometric analysis

Journal: Air Transport Management

Author: Josep Maria Raya-Vilchez, Esther Martínez-Garcia

Published: 2011


This study examines the determinants of trip duration of international tourism using low-cost carrier services from the UK, Germany, France and Italy; top tourist emitting countries in the EU. Data is from a survey conducted for one of the largest low-cost carriers tourist markets; the Girona_Catalonia region in Spain. A model of traveller/tourist demand is estimated using an econometric duration model. It is found that that while there are some common effects for associated with the four nationalities of tourist, some differences exist relating to such things as age or education.

Keywords: Air travel and tourism, Spanish tourism, Low-cost airlines and tourist

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