Offsite passenger service facilities: A viable option for airport access?

Journal of Air Transport Management

Offsite passenger service facilities: A viable option for airport access?

Journal: Air Transport Management

Author: Arkopal K. Goswami, John S. Miller, Lester A. Hoel

Published: 2011


Offsite passenger service facilities transfer passengers from a common location to an airport and may provide additional services such as baggage handling and passenger check-in. Although they are conceptually promising, there is a lack of modern methods specifically tailored to forecast their demand. This paper reports on the development of two sequential models that forecast demand for an offsite
facility. Models were calibrated based on data collected at six airports in California, Maryland, Massachusetts, and Virginia. The results showed that likely candidates for an offsite facility are airports that are not easily accessible, and departing air passengers with early morning flight departure times and high variability in ground travel times to the airport. A case study demonstrates the application of the models to Virginia’s Richmond International Airport.

Keywords: Airport access, Offsite airport facility, Offsite facility demand

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