The impact of the September 11th securityfee and passenger wait time on traffic diversion and highwayfatalities

Journal of Air Transport Management

The impact of the September 11th securityfee and passenger wait time on traffic diversion and highwayfatalities

Journal: Air Transport Management

Author: Adriana Rossiter, Martin Dresner

Published: 2004


This paper investigates the effect of the SecurityFee, imposed following September 11, 2001 in the US, and of increased travel delaytime, another product of 9/11, on traveler diversion and highwayfatalities. Our results are that although both the security fee and the increased travel delaytime lead to traffic diversion and increases in highwayfatalities, the greater impact is likelyto come from travel delays. From a public policy standpoint, this would imply that given various options for public expenditures, monies spent on reducing delays may be more effective than alleviating the security tax burden on passengers.

Keywords: Safety; Security; Fatalities

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