EC competition law and airline alliances

Journal of Air Transport Management

EC competition law and airline alliances

Journal: Air Transport Management

Author: John Balfour

Published: 2004


The EC Commission has examined a number of airline alliances under EC competition law. Its general approach is to identify the relevant market(s), to assess the likely effect on competition in those markets and then to propose remedies/conditions. Remedies generally include those: concerning operations on the route(s); allowing competitors access to certain facilities; involving undertakings by governments; and involving wider conditions. The Commission’s approach and policy has developed with experience, as can be seen from its decisions. It is still too early to tell whether the Commission has been successful, but it has to achieve a delicate balance between, on the one hand, permitting some consolidation in the excessively fragmented European market, and on the other ensuring that competition is sufficiently protected.

Keywords: EC competition law; Airline alliances

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