Opaque Web practices among low-cost carriers

Journal of Air Transport Management

Opaque Web practices among low-cost carriers

Journal: Air Transport Management

Author: AAnn M. Torres, Chris Barry, Maire´ad Hogan

Published: 2009


The low-cost airlines’ adoption of Web technologies to facilitate direct sales has accelerated their market penetration. However, some low-cost carriers are increasingly usingWebsites to create distance between themselves and their consumers in specific areas of their operations, while simultaneously developing excellence in sales transaction completion via self-service. The ‘opaque’ practices many low-cost carriers employ appear to be intentional design features and are contrary to the ethos of designing a ‘good system’ to facilitate the full spectrum of customer service. As a result, the low-cost sector has come under increased scrutiny for engaging in unfair practices and violating consumer protection law.

Keywords: Low-cost carriers, Usability, Information systems, On-line trust, Marketing, Consumer protection, Regulation

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