An investigation of fatigue issues on different flight operations

Journal of Air Transport Management

An investigation of fatigue issues on different flight operations

Journal: Air Transport Management

Author: Jin-Ru Yen, Chiung-Chi Hsu, Hsuan Yang, Hero Ho

Published: 2009


The influence of various kinds of flight operations on pilot fatigue remains a chronic problem which has a bearing on flight safety. In this study we sampled flight crews from six airlines in Taiwan, asking them to report on their perceptions of both physical and mental fatigue, before and after flight duty. The data were then analyzed with paired t-test and ANOVA. Our research results confirm findings obtained in other studies, namely, that perceived fatigue levels increase after flight duty, with that of oceanic crews being greater than that of crews serving either regional or short-haul operations. A majority of the pilots surveyed reported feeling fatigued or even nodding-off during long-distance flights, and consequently were in favor of a program of scheduled cockpit napping. While these findings are preliminary, they offer valuable information to aviation regulators and airlines regarding the assigning of consecutively scheduled flights to the same aircrews.

Keywords: Flight fatigue, Circadian disruption, Human factors, Aviation accidents

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