Decision support system in tactical air traffic flow management for air traffic flow controllers

Journal of Air Transport Management

Decision support system in tactical air traffic flow management for air traffic flow controllers

Journal: Air Transport Management

Author: Li Weigang, Bueno Borges de Souza, Antonio Marcio Ferreira Crespo, Daniela Pereira Alves

Published: 2008


A distributed decision support system for tactical air traffic flow management is developed for the First Integrated Center of Air Defense and Air Traffic Control (CINDACTA I) in Brasilia. The paper specifies the role of CINDACTA I, looking at the problems of air traffic flow management in Brazil and describing an initial evaluation of the decision support system. The decision process involves a meta-level control approach and reinforcement-learning algorithms that allow air traffic flow controllers and supervisors to acquire knowledge and get assistance to enhance their decision-making. The paper also develops simulations involving egalitarian and prioritization distribution of flight flows for the Sao Paulo Terminal Area.

Keywords: Air traffic flow management, Decision support system, Meta-level control, Reinforcement learning

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