Effect of core competence on organizational performance in an airport shopping center

Journal of Air Transport Management

Effect of core competence on organizational performance in an airport shopping center

Journal: Air Transport Management

Author: Chiung-Ju Liang, Ying-Li Lin, Hsiu-Feng Huang

Published: 2013


This paper examines the relationships among core competence, unobservable human capital, and organizational performance conduct at an airport shopping center making use of personal interviews and secondary data. Factor analysis and hierarchical models are used to explore the relationship between performance and competence among employees. The findings suggest that the variables of core competences are positively correlated with organizational performance. Viewed from the perspective of job position, the management and non-management core competences of employees have different effects on organizational performances. The core competences of non management, provide the greatest contribution to the performance of the shopping center while those for management are irrelevant.

Keywords: Airport shopping center; Organizational performance; Core competence; Human capital

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