Analysis of flight-operating costs and delays: The Sao Paulo terminal maneuvering area

Journal of Air Transport Management

Analysis of flight-operating costs and delays: The Sao Paulo terminal maneuvering area

Journal: Air Transport Management

Author: C. Muller, E.S.M. Santana

Published: 2008


This paper considers aircraft in-flight delays and their costs in the Sao Paulo terminal maneuvering area, Brazil’s busiest region for airborne operations. Different flow scenarios were constructed representing these operations based on simulations. Economic evaluation is based on average flight-operating costs and focuses on ground and in-flight operations originating or ending at Congonhas, Sao Paulo, and Viracopos international airports, the three busiest facilities in the region. Five scenarios are analyzed; two of which, one considering Guarulhos Airport’s third runway and another the removal of slow airplanes from Congonhas Airport, result in considerable congestion and delay reductions. Three scenarios involving 10%, 20%, and 30% traffic reallocations from Congonhas to Guarulhos Airport were also analyzed and these suggest small delays in arrival and departure procedures are possible that would reduce airline-operating costs and increase the region’s capacity.

Keywords: Sao Paulo terminal maneuvering area, Simulation, Flight delay

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