International trade in air transport services: Penetration of foreign airlines into Japan under the bilateral aviation policies of the US and Japan

Journal of Air Transport Management

International trade in air transport services: Penetration of foreign airlines into Japan under the bilateral aviation policies of the US and Japan

Journal: Air Transport Management

Author: Nobuaki Endo

Published: 2007


This study examines the impact of the bilateral aviation framework on passenger air transport service imports focusing on the US and Japan. The US promoted liberalization under its Open Skies framework from the 1980s, while Japan supported phased-in liberalization under the traditional bilateral air services framework. The numbers of US and Japanese citizens flying on foreign carriers has increased. The penetration of foreign imported air services into Japan has been significant. Regression analysis shows that Open Skies liberalization may contribute to the increased US import. Japan’s relative market openness, however, makes it difficult to measure the effects of liberalization under a bilateral framework and shows the complex dynamics that may accompany Open Skies policies.

Keywords: Air transport services trade; US open skies liberalization; Japan

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