Evaluation of the risk frequency for hazards of runway incursion in Korea

Journal of Air Transport Management

Evaluation of the risk frequency for hazards of runway incursion in Korea

Journal: Air Transport Management

Author: Dohyun Kim, Hanmo Yang

Published: 2012


This paper evaluates the risk frequency of hazards related to airport runway incursion. Gimpo International Airport, which has a record of two runway incursions, was selected for study. We verified 15 hazards causing runway incursion, and derived the weights for each hazard through an analytic hierarchy process. Then, fault tree analysis was conducted by applying the statistics of runway incursion and the estimated weights to evaluate the risk frequency of each hazard. The analysis results verified the close relation of runway incursion with human error.

Keywords: Runway incursions, Risk frequency, Fault tree analysis, Analytic hierarchy processes

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