Predicting air travelers’ no-show and standby behavior using passenger and directional itinerary information

Journal of Air Transport Management

Predicting air travelers’ no-show and standby behavior using passenger and directional itinerary information

Journal: Air Transport Management

Author: Laurie A. Garrow, Frank S. Koppelman

Published: 2004


This is the first study of airline travelers’ no-show and standby behavior based on passenger and directional outbound/inbound itinerary data. The paper describes passengers’ behavior based on estimation of a multinomial logit model for domestic US itineraries departing in March2001 or March2002. This enables us to explore behavioral differences based on passenger and itinerary characteristics as well as identify differences in rescheduling behavior occurring after September 11, 2001. Benefits of using passenger data to improve forecasting accuracy and support a broad range of managerial decisions are described.

Keywords: No-show; Air-travel demand forecasting; Revealed preference rescheduling behavior

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