The effect of Internet apprehension and website satisfaction on air travellers’ adoption of an airline’s website

Journal of Air Transport Management

The effect of Internet apprehension and website satisfaction on air travellers’ adoption of an airline’s website

Journal: Air Transport Management

Author: Berendien Lubbe

Published: 2007


Airlines are attempting to shift consumers from traditional booking channels to their own more cost-effective online channels as fast as possible. Inhibitors to this migration may be travellers’ apprehension towards the Internet and level of satisfaction with the airline website. The effect of these two constructs on adoption and use of the airline website are examined using two models. The findings suggest that apprehension towards the Internet and satisfaction with the airline website is significantly related to certain demographic characteristics of the population and the level of use of an airline website.

Keywords: Airline websites, Website satisfaction, Internet apprehension, Online adoption, Distribution channels

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