Air itinerary choice in a low-frequency market: A decision rule approach

Journal of Air Transport Management

Air itinerary choice in a low-frequency market: A decision rule approach

Journal: Air Transport Management

Author: Habibollah Nassiri, Ali Rezaei

Published: 2012


This paper focuses on low frequency airline service patronage using the data from a survey conducted at Imam Khomeini International Airport in Tehran, Iran. It uses Dominance-based Rough Set Approach (DRSA) for modeling passengers’ choices. We compare the method with discrete choice models using a prediction potential measure. Unlike discrete choice methods, it can use qualitative and categorized data without having to transform them into dummy variables. It is found that the prediction accuracy of the proposed technique is better than that of the discrete choice model for the case under consideration.

Keywords: Airline passengers’ choice behavior; Low-frequency market; Rough sets; Discrete choice method

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