Comparing consultation on investment and technology decisions in air traffic management in Australia and the UK

Journal of Air Transport Management

Comparing consultation on investment and technology decisions in air traffic management in Australia and the UK

Journal: Air Transport Management

Author: Margaret Arblaster

Published: 2012


In this paper, airlines influence on policy through industry consultation is assessed by reviewing the institutional, technological and economic characteristics of air traffic management. Air navigation as a quasinatural monopoly network implies that the ability for airlines to influence the content of investment programmes through consultationprocesses has certain limits.Two case studies on consultation processes in Australia are presented, in addition to a comparison between Australia and the UK. The results highlight difficulties with accommodating the interests of diverse users in consultation processes; on the positive side, however, such engagement increases access to information, improves stakeholder understanding of ATM investment programmes and enhances support.

Keywords: Air traffic management, Industry consultation

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